Worcester County Insights is a community indicators project with data and analysis across seven key topic areas and including 60 individual indicators. Sponsored by the Greater Worcester Community Foundation in partnership with the Worcester Regional Research Bureau, the project provides a common foundation of data to inform and inspire questions and further research into the critical issues facing our community.
For many of the indicators, data is available on a town-by-town basis, and information for all 60 towns in Worcester County is listed under each individual indicator whenever possible. We have selected ten towns to appear on the main data chart of each town-level indicator to help compare and contrast the data. The towns selected represent the different geographies and types of communities (urban, suburban and rural; large and small) that make up Worcester County. We hope users will find this to be a helpful way to learn more about our region.
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Our Indicator Dashboard provides a quick, at-a-glance view of all the indicators on the website for individual areas that users select in a dropdown menu. Users can also customize their Dashboard by filtering for racial or ethnic groups, or by adding the indicators they are most interested in one at a time.